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Your style is here

We have the honour of introducing our next product, QueenShop. This beautiful template converges all the essential features a shopping store needs in a graceful look, is ready to caught attentions & to boost the user experiences.

QueenShop is using Responsive Web Design, makes sure a consistent look in all devices. Coming with 5 beautiful presets6 headers and 2 footers, Shopify Sections Support, it is much easier to setup in the first time. We also provide a Free Wishlist App for all QueenShop users. 

Being highly customizable, QueenShop can be used for stores of any kinds, such as fashion, clothing, digital gadgets, furniture... and more

Since we know, when you own a good looking store, you will be the winner... be the QUEEN.


Instagram feed

If you have an instagram account, you can easily share your pictures with your customers. All you have to do is setting the account ID in theme settings, then just feel the beauty of your moments

2 Advanced Menus

Mega Menu allows you to put rich contents such as banners, images on your menu. This menu is also useful because you can display the navigation in multi-levels. QueenShop also comes with Vertical Menu helping expand your content to customers

Advanced Filters

QueenShop provides Advanced Group Filtering, and it is very useful in case you have a lot of products and want to enable sub groups for your users to sort through. All you have to do is set tags for your products & enable advanced group filtering in theme settings

About Queenify

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean pharetra, ligula non mollis pretium, lectus libero sodales augue, interdum auctor mauris dui non risus.

  •   Your Company LTD Street nr XYZ
  •   We are open: Monday - Suttarday, 10AM - 5PM and colsed on sunday sorry for that.



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  • New product releases.
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